Tag: My story

Discover China Day.

Yesterday we had the opportunity to meet and do a few exercises in Chinese because it was Discover China Day.We had Martial arts, Dancing, and a whole lot more. Then today we were supposed to make a slideshow about the event and posted it on our blog. Here is my one, I hope you like it!

Rocket Challenge

Last term we were starting on doing the rocket challenge-bottle rockets and water. Our group is a little bit slow as we haven’t got to the part of gluing the fins and the nosecone. We were supposed to be done by last term but our teacher- Whaea Siniece was away for a couple of weeks. Our rocket is now just a bottle but we got the fins and the parachute ready to be hot-glue to the bottle already. The image below is our rocket ( just a bottle).

My mum’s cafe

Hi, today I’m gonna tell you about my mum’s cafe which was just open on last weeks Tuesday that my teacher, Whaea Louise told me to write about. So here goes…………… It was like Tuesday the 20 of April that my mum tell me that she has just bought a coffee shop and tomorrow we will have to wear our best clothes to take a picture in front of my mum’s coffee shop. So on Wednesday we wore our best clothes and then my dad drove us to the shop.There was loads of dishwashing to do but we’re lucky we have a dishwasher so we worked. When I say ‘work’ I mean help, but when I say ‘help’ I mean lots and lots of help, there was so much dishwashing to do so we skipped lunch and at 8 pm, tired and hungry, we had our dinner of egg on toast. It was very very very yum!                                                                                                                                                              Note: If you ever want to go to my mum’s cafe please remember this address: 274A , Jackson street. Lower hut. Wellington. and the best thing I think in my mum’s shop is……..The Big Breakfast!


Our 3 -minute writing first blog post

Twinkle twinkle little star ……

In the night , the star was bright, as I was reaching for the light switch to turn it off, I noticed that the star was twinkling. I looked at the sky, it was bright and I soon realised that the light switch is still on so I turned it off and looked at the sky again. It was in the shape of the Mauri sea god,                 Tangaroa . After what seemed like an hour, I closed my eyes, and not long afterwards, I drifted off to sleep. Soon, my soul got carried away to the dream world…..  In my dream, there was a giant tuatara attacking me.”Run!” I shouted ,but there was nobody there to listen. I ran, but soon I got cornered beside a cliff , I turned  back, but not to see the dribbling mouth of the giant tuatara of hunger to eat me. the tuatara takes a step forward and I take a step backward -“Arrhh!” I shouted and it turned out to be a nightmare rather than a dream. It was midnight so I drifted back to sleep.