Favourite snacks investigation

This week one of our tasks was to do a statistics investigation on something you want to do about. I choose to investigate what are the favourite snacks in SWL. Then we were supposed to put it on a slide and published it on our blog. Here is my one, I hope you like it!

Statistic-M&Ms investigation

This week in maths we are learning about statistics and we did an investigation on M&Ms. We wanted to know how many of a colour of M&Ms are in a share pack. We worked in groups and each group got a small triangular pack of M&Ms. We then ripped open our M&Ms packet and made a dot plot about it. Then, we made a slide about it. Here is my one, I hope you like it!

Otaki College Statistics

This week we have been learning about statistical investigation. Yesterday, we went out the car park of Otaki College staffs and recorded the car colours. Then we put the information in a frequency table on our Chromebooks. then we made a slide about it. Here is my one, I hope you like it!

Q Research Card.

This week 1 of our tasks were the Alphabet Research Task, and we’re up to the letter Q. Well, here is my one, and I hope you like it! ( I hope it’s not too short)

Rocket Challenge

Last term we were starting on doing the rocket challenge-bottle rockets and water. Our group is a little bit slow as we haven’t got to the part of gluing the fins and the nosecone. We were supposed to be done by last term but our teacher- Whaea Siniece was away for a couple of weeks. Our rocket is now just a bottle but we got the fins and the parachute ready to be hot-glue to the bottle already. The image below is our rocket ( just a bottle).