Category: Ako | Learn

Otaki College Statistics

This week we have been learning about statistical investigation. Yesterday, we went out the car park of Otaki College staffs and recorded the car colours. Then we put the information in a frequency table on our Chromebooks. then we made a slide about it. Here is my one, I hope you like it!

Rocket Challenge

Last term we were starting on doing the rocket challenge-bottle rockets and water. Our group is a little bit slow as we haven’t got to the part of gluing the fins and the nosecone. We were supposed to be done by last term but our teacher- Whaea Siniece was away for a couple of weeks. Our rocket is now just a bottle but we got the fins and the parachute ready to be hot-glue to the bottle already. The image below is our rocket ( just a bottle).

Vocab Vulcans.

This week one of our tasks is to do one of the M research challenge sheet choices, with 7 choices. I chose the second one, with it being the Vocab Vulcan, which we were supposed to find the meanings of our given words and then write a sentence which contains our given word to show that we really understand it. Here is my slide of the Vocab Vulcans ; I hope you like it!

Space Research Challenge

This term we are learning about space and rockets and the universe. This term one of our reading tasks is to research and find facts about space and planets in the universe. I have done 4, one about the Milky Way and one about Jupiter, and another one about Apollo 11, and another one on the distance between planets in our solar system.

My Chart

This term we are learning about statistics and we were looking at how to make a graph/chart. On Wednesday last week Mrs. P, our usual reliever, gave us a task to investigate what was the most popular and least popular and middle thing (anything) in our class and write it down. I choose to find the data on the future jobs of my classmates ( or what they want to be when they grow up).  Then, on Tuesday this week, Whaea Louise teaches us how to make a graph on Google Sheets, and we were told to put our data from last week down. After that, we would have to put our chart on a new Google Slides and then analyse our data and make statements. Here is my one, if you think I can improve please leave a comment!