Category: Ako | Learn

Discover China Day.

Yesterday we had the opportunity to meet and do a few exercises in Chinese because it was Discover China Day.We had Martial arts, Dancing, and a whole lot more. Then today we were supposed to make a slideshow about the event and posted it on our blog. Here is my one, I hope you like it!

X Research Challegne

Hi, it’s Philip here. This week I had to do 3 sections out of a research challenge that starts with the letter x. Things got hard with the xantis yak until I found out that it isn’t real. So I replaced it with a xeme. So here is my slideshow about it, I hope you like it!

Maths Fractions Blog Post Week 7

This week 1 of my maths task were to publish on my blogs 3 maths questions from Whaea Siniece and then solve it. Here is my one, I hope you like it!

    1. Ruby ran for ⅖ of the distance in a cross country tournament. If she ran a further 600 metres, she would have completed ⅔ of the course.                                                                                                                                   How many metres is the distance of the full run?

    So we know that 2/3-2/5 of the full run is 600, so lets calculate the run!
    2/3-2/5=10/15-6/15=4/15. So 4/15 of the whole run is 600m. 600:4=150. 150 x 15= 2250. Ans:2250m.

  1.  A bottle is 1/4 litres full. If you were to add 500ml of juice to the bottle, it would be 2/3 full. How many ml can that bottle hold if it is full?                                                                                                                                                                 So we know that 2/3 – 1/4= 500 ml, so lets calculate!                                                                                                                 2/3-1/4=8/12-3/12=5/12. So 500ml is 5/12 of that bottle. 500:5×12=1200. Ans-1200ml.
    1.  Samuel is celebrating his birthday. His family is going to buy him a scooter. Both the warehouse and Torpedo 7 are having a sale on scooters. The warehouse has a MADD scooter for $129 with 10% off. Torpedo 7 has the same scooter for $169 with 27% off.

    Where should they buy the scooter from?

    The price of the scooter in The Warehouse is: 129:10=12.9. 129 -12.9=116.1. Ans-116.1$ 

    The price of the scooter in Torpedo 7 is: 100-27=73. 169:100=1.69. 1.69 x 73 = 123.37. Ans-123.37$                            Samuel’s family should by the scooter at The Warehouse because it is cheaper.

The Science Roadshow

Today was the Science Roadshow day, a day where a group called the Science Roadshows go to our school and show us a few quantities of science and a chance to understand the world of science by doing a few experiments for ourselves. It was held in the hall. At about 9:45 we lined up outside the hall, then we went inside, staring at the various number of experiments that were arranged upon the tables. Then we were given a lecture about how sound travels and air particles. Then we were set free to see the experiments on the tables for ourselves.

There was:

A Mobius strip track for toy cars,

An air piston,

A metal detector,

A mega-big kaleidoscope,

And a lot of other things as well, but I cannot name them all, as they would take up all the space! My favourite experiment was the air piston. You hold a ball up and then let it drop and then a ping-pong ball would shoot up out of a tube at a terrific speed.

The air piston.


Maths Fraction Blog Post

This week one of our weekly tasks were to publish on our blog a maths fraction problem and then explain how to solve that problem. Here is my one, I hope you like it!

Whaea Siniece brings a big bag of fruit bursts to school. Hape gets 1/8 of the lollies, Sam got 3/16 of the lollies, Harrison gets 3/20 of the lollies, and Philip got 9/40 of the lollies, and Tamihana gets the rest.

a. Who got the most lollies?

Hape has:10/80 of the lollies,

Sam has: 15/ 80 of the lollies.

Harrison has: 12/80 of the lollies,

Philip has:18/80 of the lollies,

So Tamihana must have: 1-(10/80 + 15/80  + 12/80  + 18/80) = 25/80/

So Tamihana has the most lollies.

B. Who got the least amount of lollies?

Harrison has the least amount of lollies because 12/80 is the least.

C. How many lollies did Tamihana get? 25/80=5/16. 5/15 of the lollies.

Favourite snacks investigation

This week one of our tasks was to do a statistics investigation on something you want to do about. I choose to investigate what are the favourite snacks in SWL. Then we were supposed to put it on a slide and published it on our blog. Here is my one, I hope you like it!

Statistic-M&Ms investigation

This week in maths we are learning about statistics and we did an investigation on M&Ms. We wanted to know how many of a colour of M&Ms are in a share pack. We worked in groups and each group got a small triangular pack of M&Ms. We then ripped open our M&Ms packet and made a dot plot about it. Then, we made a slide about it. Here is my one, I hope you like it!