Category: Hanga | Create

X Research Challegne

Hi, it’s Philip here. This week I had to do 3 sections out of a research challenge that starts with the letter x. Things got hard with the xantis yak until I found out that it isn’t real. So I replaced it with a xeme. So here is my slideshow about it, I hope you like it!

Maths Problem Blog Post Week 9

In Kaylah’s home, her mom gives pocket money based on the chores that each child completed on the week. Each chore is a fraction of 20.

a) What chores do Kaylah needs the to do to earn 15$

The chores are:

Empty dishwasher-0.2 of 20 or 4$.

Make the bed- 1/10 of 20 or 2 dollars.

Clean the car-20% of 20 or 4$

Make mum breakfast in bed-3/5 of 20 or 12$

Pick up the dog poo-0.45 of 20 or 9 dollars.

Take out the rubbish-10% of 20 or 2$.

The jobs Kaylah needs to do to earn 15$ is:

Empty dishwasher, pick up the dog poo, and make the bed.

b) What jobs would I do?

I would do all because that’s a lot of money.

c) How much would I earn? Well, 4+2+4+12+9+2=24+9=33($).


The Science Roadshow

Today was the Science Roadshow day, a day where a group called the Science Roadshows go to our school and show us a few quantities of science and a chance to understand the world of science by doing a few experiments for ourselves. It was held in the hall. At about 9:45 we lined up outside the hall, then we went inside, staring at the various number of experiments that were arranged upon the tables. Then we were given a lecture about how sound travels and air particles. Then we were set free to see the experiments on the tables for ourselves.

There was:

A Mobius strip track for toy cars,

An air piston,

A metal detector,

A mega-big kaleidoscope,

And a lot of other things as well, but I cannot name them all, as they would take up all the space! My favourite experiment was the air piston. You hold a ball up and then let it drop and then a ping-pong ball would shoot up out of a tube at a terrific speed.

The air piston.


Favourite snacks investigation

This week one of our tasks was to do a statistics investigation on something you want to do about. I choose to investigate what are the favourite snacks in SWL. Then we were supposed to put it on a slide and published it on our blog. Here is my one, I hope you like it!