The Science Roadshow

Today was the Science Roadshow day, a day where a group called the Science Roadshows go to our school and show us a few quantities of science and a chance to understand the world of science by doing a few experiments for ourselves. It was held in the hall. At about 9:45 we lined up outside the hall, then we went inside, staring at the various number of experiments that were arranged upon the tables. Then we were given a lecture about how sound travels and air particles. Then we were set free to see the experiments on the tables for ourselves.

There was:

A Mobius strip track for toy cars,

An air piston,

A metal detector,

A mega-big kaleidoscope,

And a lot of other things as well, but I cannot name them all, as they would take up all the space! My favourite experiment was the air piston. You hold a ball up and then let it drop and then a ping-pong ball would shoot up out of a tube at a terrific speed.

The air piston.


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